Community Councillors and co-opted members are representatives of the community and have a responsibility to make sure that they are familiar with, and that their actions comply with, the principles set out in the Code of Conduct.
The principles of the code are as follows:
service to the community (public service)
accountability and stewardship
Community Councillors and co-opted members will:
Respect fellow members of the Community Council and those that we represent, treating them with courtesy, respect and in a non-discriminatory manner at all times. This will extend to any person, regardless of their position, we have dealings with in our capacity as Community Councillors
Recognise the contribution of everyone participating in the work of the Community Council, and comply with Equal Opportunities legislation ensuring that equality of opportunity be given to every participant to have their knowledge, opinion, skill and experience taken into account
Ensure that confidential material, including details about individuals, is treated as such and that it is handled with dignity and discretion and is not used for personal, malicious or corrupt purposes.
Full information is available
These are the principles that we’ve signed up to as Community Councillors in accordance with the Scheme of Establishment. In addition we recognise that as Councillors we need to behave responsibly and respectfully at all times, not just when on council business. We expect others who attend our meetings to behave in a similar manner and share our values.